Jan 26, 2022
We all have dreams and sometimes we discover them without previously knowing that they even existed. Our guest on this episode is a New York Times, U.S. Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author. Her real-life experiences are used to create compelling stories that appeal to a wide variety of audiences. Her journey from trial attorney to best-selling author is an amazing story. Her first book was published in January 2013 on Amazon as a “free” offer. She experienced 60,000 downloads the first day and her path was set. Readers began emailing about another book and she realized she had the ability to become a professional author. Her second book did even better and her third book hit the U.S.A. Today best-seller list. After a 6 month sabbatical from her law firm to try out the writing career, she made the decision to become a full time author. Listen to hear Sawyer’s journey and learn some lessons about strategy, consistency, and doing great work.